Cultural Affairs Services

Hits: 1430

First: the major services of missions and scholarships administration


Major services

Target group

Take all necessary Procedures for :


Researchers travel

Teaching  staff members

Communicate with security to approve the travel of faculty members abroad.

Follow-up Researchers abroad and take Procedures to extend them year by year.

Internal Extension for the envoys of Multiple  supervision.

Assistant lecturers/


Opening scientific channel for the envoys of the Multiple supervision

Travel of supervisors to follow up on Researchers who are members of Multiple supervision missions.

Supervisors of Researchers abroad

Approving the academic reports for envoys.

Assistant lecturers/


Approving the academic reports for envoys after returning.

Teaching  staff members

Handing over work to envoys after returning from abroad:

  (Study vacation - international missions - scientific missions)

Teaching  staff members

Notify the central Administration of Missions  of approval of the requests of Researchers abroad.

Ending study vacation, international missions and scientific missions.


Announcing the plan of missions and scholarships provided by foreign Establishments.

University faculties


Communicate with the envoys abroad through social media sites - e-mail.

Teaching  staff members

Second: the major services of cultural exchange administration


Major services

Target group

Take the procedures for traveling abroad:


 Personal scientific missions

Teaching  staff members




(Workshops - scientific meetings - training courses).

Take the procedures for the attendance of faculty members at :


(Conferences - Workshops - Training Courses – local Seminars )

Teaching  staff members


Taking travel procedures for scientific missions or training.

Teaching  staff members


Taking procedures for holding scientific and cultural activities.

University faculties


 local or global conferences - scientific meetings - training courses.


 (Seminars - workshops) local or global.


Taking procedures to approve the academic

reports of the Envoys  after returning from scientific missions.

Teaching  staff members


Bring visiting foreign professors to the university or the travel of Egyptian professors as visitors abroad.

Teaching  staff members

foreign professors


Taking procedures for bringing of Arab and foreign trainees and researchers.

University faculties/units


Taking procedures for making international and local agreements.

As well as submitting reports and data required about all activities of the General administration of Cultural Relations.
