Research Centers

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The Electron Microscope Unit

The Electron Microscope Unit at Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University has been opened on 03-10-2013. The unit serves the scientific research university and other universities, as well as industrial enterprises in Egypt and the Arab region in multiple fields such as nanotechnology, physics and materials science and semiconductors. In addition, it serves biological sciences various branches, such as the study of micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria and tissues cells of faculties of agriculture, medicine, science and veterinary medicine, dentistry and pharmacy.

The Director of Unit: Prof. Yasser Shabana – Faculty of Agriculture

Website: Click here (

The Nanotechnology Center

Nanotechnology examines the phenomena occurs in the range of very small dimensions less than 100 nanometers (a nanometer is equal to one millionth of a millimeter).

- The nanotechnology is relating with Microtechnology, which is concerned with dimensions of less than 100 microns.

The Director of Center: Prof. Nible Sabry – Professor at Mechanical department, faculty of Engineering
Website: Click here (

Nuclear Magnetic Resonances (NMR) Center

The center has Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic device which is capable of measuring the magnetic resonance of liquid material and solid at many different nuclei such as Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sodium and Silicon and other elements in the periodic table. This is a new research technique used the magnetic properties for some atomic nuclei. It identifies the physical and chemical properties of atoms or molecules contained. It relies on the phenomenon of magnetic resonance and can give detailed information on the composition, the dynamic situation of the compound, the state of the interaction, and the chemical environment of molecules.

The Director of Center: Prof. Muhammad Abo El-dahab – Professor at Chemical department, faculty of Science

Contact Us: here

MRI at College of Pharmacy:
Prof.  Hussein Ibrahim Sabbagh - Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy

For further information:

Stem cell center
This is the first cord stem cell bank center in Egypt is established at Mansoura University. Stem cells from the umbilical cord are not one species but several types. It saves the lives of children with leukemia, thalassemia and hereditary immunodeficiency by using the marrow transplant cells. This contributes to lifting the burdens of treating many chronic diseases from the state and reduces the percentage of disability in society.
Director of the Center: Prof. Farha Abdel Aziz El-Shenawy - Professor of Clinical Pathology - Faculty of Medicine
For more information: click here

Medical Experimental Research Center

The Center for Experimental Medical Research (MERC) is established in 2001. The main objective of the center is to cover the gap between primary and applied research. The Center in its various units has been able to develop a scientific research methodology in various fields such as stem cells, neuroscience, cellular models of diseases and more. In addition,the center is one of the host points at the university to acheive a short time goal of the center is able to spread locally and internationally.
Director of the Center: Prof. Basem Ibrahim Awad - Professor of Surgery - Faculty of Medicine
For more details: click here (

Genome and Cancer Research Center
The Center for Genomic and Cancer Research (CEG-CR) supports a wide range of services that are offered on a per-service basis for commercial and academic institutions. It is an interdisciplinary center for research in basic and applied cellular biology, cancer, biotechnology, and molecular cell biology. Researchers of the center influence well-being of communities - not only in Egypt, but around the world - through extraordinary innovation and research.
Director of the Center: Prof.  Ahmed Shokair - Department of Urology and Nephrology- Faculty of Medicine 
For more details: click here (

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Unit
The Unit of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology at Mansoura University is a special unit funded by Mansoura University and the Academy of Scientific Research. It was opened in 2001 at the Faculty of Science. The unit aims to transfer laboratory research related to the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering from laboratory to applied. The unit activates the participation with the research units in the faculties of the university to take advantage of the devices in the implementation of the objectives of the unit to transfer laboratory research related to the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering to an industrial.

Director of the Center: Prof. Omar Abdel Samie Omar Shehabi - Emeritus Professor, Department of Botany - Faculty of Science 

Mansoura University Vertebate Paleotology
(MUVP), a research unit for vertebrate fossil preparation and training, was created in 2010. MUVP is dedicated to educating Egyptian vertebrate paleontologists, expanding awareness of Egypt's vertebrate paleontological resources, and undertaking collection, preparation, study and curation of Egypt's fossil vertebrates. Development of the MUVP lab has not only allowed the growing collection of fossil vertebrates to be prepared and described, but has also facilitated expansion of the vertebrate paleontology program at Mansoura University and other Egyptian universities through the training of students and technicians. A well-equipped MUVP laboratory has attracted top Egyptian students to the program at Mansoura, as well as professional paleontologists who would like to prepare and study vertebrate fossils. MUVP has been involved in vertebrate paleontology projects to study vertebrate evolution in the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene of Africa.

Director of the Center: Prof. Hisham Salam Assistant Professor of Geology Faculty of Science
Websit: Click here (

Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Unit:

The scientific laboratories and equipment unit at Mansoura University is a technical advisory coordination unit. It works as an expert unit to facilitate joint use of scientific devices in Egyptian universities, and to make their data available to researchers. The unit was established based on the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities in its session on 28/2/2015 entitle " Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Unit" headed by faculty members. This unit should work in cooperation with the National Bank for Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Unit in the Egyptian universities in the Supreme Council of Universities.

The unit aims: 

1- The data of the scientific equipment are available to researchers at the university and other Egyptian universities within system provided by the National Bank for laboratories and scientific equipment in the Egyptian universities in the Supreme Council of Universities.

2- Encouraging the scientific research and cooperation for exchanging experiences between researchers at the university and their peers in other Egyptian universities through the joint use of scientific equipment.

3- Working to develop the research capabilities at the university's college laboratories.

4- Reducing the repeated purchase of same scientific equipment in university laboratories, especially in the case of too expensive advanced devices.

Director of the unit: Prof. Dr. Eman Zahran Abdelhamid, Professor of Aquatic Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine




