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The Climate Finance Accelerator (CFA)  is a global technical assistance programme funded by the UK government to support climate projects to access finance. The CFA operates in ten countries (Nigeria, Colombia, Egypt, South Africa, Türkiye, Mexico, Peru, Pakistan, Viet Nam and Uganda) with the aim of encouraging the flows of finance required to deliver on countries’ ambition to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

In Egypt, the CFA brings together the key actors in the climate finance investment chain: project proponents and developers, finance providers, and policymakers. Our aim is to facilitate a collaborative approach to unlocking finance for climate projects at scale and creating a pipeline of ‘investment ready’ low carbon projects. The CFA also seeks to deliver several co-benefits, such as supporting a just transition and green recovery efforts from COVID-19 through inclusive approaches to sustainable development, improved gender equality, and building resilience to climate impacts. 

Selection Criteria:

  • Projects from any sector that are fighting climate change in Egypt by helping to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Projects that would benefit from advice and support from technical and financial experts, in addition to climate mitigation and gender equality and social inclusion experts, to help them attract investment and better communicate the impact of their projects.
  • Projects looking for investment of at least US$1 million.
  • Projects in at least the pre-feasibility stage.

Projects should be prepared to work hard to maximize having direct access to CFA experts.

Projects that have completed the process tell us that the more they put into the process, the more they get out of it.

Submission language:  English

Deadline: February 5th, 2024

For more information:- Click Here

For Registration:- Click here 


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