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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS!! Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholarship for 2025 for Research Students

 Minimum Qualifications and Conditions

  • Egyptian Nationals
  • Under the age of 35 as of April 1, 2025 (born on or after 2 April 1990)
  • Holders of Bachelor / Master / Doctor degree with a minimum average point on 75% / GPA 3 out of 4 (All courses you have enrolled in so far) 
  • Required Language Proficiency (Although it is not required to obtain a qualification, it is highly recommended that you have the same language proficiency as below)
  • English: IELTS 6.0- / TOEFL iBT 79- / CEFR B2-
  • Japanese (Only for Japanese Majors): JLPT N2-
  • Those who are currently belong to a university, research institution or a company employed.
  • Unemployed or freelancers cannot apply except a student of Bachelor, Master or Doctoral courses.
  • Those who become bridges of friendship between Egypt and Japan and who contribute to the development of both countries after study in Japan.
  • Those who are expected to return to Egypt after study in Japan is preferable.

 Important Information

  • The Embassy of Japan in Egypt will select preliminary 11 candidates approximately through the documents screening, language examinations and interviews.
  • Those who have been selected as preliminary candidates by the Embassy will be recommended to MEXT for the second screening. 
  • After the recommendation to MEXT by the Embassy, the preliminary candidates have to obtain acceptance from a university in Japan.
  • Please note that the language written examinations can only be conducted at designated venue in Cairo, Egypt on the arranged date only. To attend examinations outside of Egypt is not accepted. Online examination is not available.
  • The selection schedules are subject to change.

  All the required scanned documents into PDF formats must be sent to【 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 】by email from 1 April 2024 until Thursday, 2 May 2024 at 2:00 pm. 

For more Info (HERE)

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