Application deadlines for the KTH Scholarship
1 December 2024: Application opens
15 January 2025: Application closes
Scholarship content
The KTH Scholarship covers the tuition fee at KTH for the first and the second year, provided that the study results during the first year are satisfactory. The scholarship does not include living costs.
To be eligible for the scholarship you must be a fee-paying student and have applied for a master’s programme at KTH as your first priority and paid the application fee.
Eligible programmes
KTH Scholarships are available for applicants to all programmes except for joint Erasmus+, EIT Digital, EIT InnoEnergy, EIT Urban Mobility and Nordic Five Tech programmes, and the joint programme Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering. However, applicants to some of these programmes can apply for the KTH Joint Programme Scholarship. Applicants for the joint master's programmes in Molecular Techniques in Life Science, Biostatistics and Data Science, and Innovative Technology for Healthy Living (EIT Health) are eligible for the KTH Scholarship.
For more details(HERE)