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In frame of the Egypt-France Scientific and Technological Cooperation Program “IMHOTEP” Egyptian researchers from scientific centers, institutes and universities are invited to participate in the following program by submitting proposals in one of the following domains:

  • Water : (sanitation, desalination, irrigation management)
  • Environment: new and renewable energy , Hydrogenise energy cells, batteries of electric cars
  • Biology, Medicine, Health ( production of enzymes by biotechnology, advanced diagnostic techniques for diseases (sensors), hepatitis C
  • Mathematics and their reaction
  • Physics
  • Earth and Space Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Human Sciences and Humanities
  • Science Society ( tourism and Education)
  • Engineering Sciences (renewable energy)
  • Information, Communication and Technologies( multimedia)
  • Agronomy, Animal Production, Plant and Food ( production of Crops)

The research project is partially funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology with a maximum of L.E. 300,000 per project for 2 years.( 2024- 2025)

The applicant must strictly adhere to the financial limit; otherwise the project will be disqualified.

The project proposal should first be accepted for execution by the home institutions of both Egyptian and French cooperators.

Both the Principal and Co-principal Investigators should affiliate to the same institution.

It is allowed for the private universities and research centers working in Egypt to submit applications according to this Call for bilateral mobility project proposals.

Both the Egyptian and French researchers must submit the joint proposal within the same domain.

Proposals submitted to only one side will not be considered.

The applicant signature of the guidelines of good practices is required.

The Proposal format and guidelines are available

For further details :

The link for the French side

Deadline for proposal submission is May 3, 2023

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