The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology announced, during the 176th session of the Academy’s Council, in the presence of Prof. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Prof. Mahmoud Sakr, the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology President, and members of the Council, Monday, October 5th, 2020, the names of the winners of the individuals awards for the year 2019
Five faculty members at Mansoura University won the individuals awards:
In the field of medical: Mansoura Medical Award in the field of nephrology or urology: -
Equality between: -
Prof. Ayman Fathy Rifai Ibrahim Rifai - Professor at the Urology and Nephrology Center - Mansoura University
Prof. Osama Mahmoud Mohamed Sarhan - Professor at the Faculty of Medicine - Mansoura University
The award of the late Prof. Mohamed Fakhry Makkawi- Medical Specialist in the field of Internal Medicine:
Dr. Muhammad Hamed Abbas Ibrahim - Doctor of Urology and Nephrology Center - Mansoura University
Prof. Tarek Kamel in the field of communications and information technology
Dr. Muhammad Al-Husseini Ibrahim - Lecturer, Faculty of Computers and Information, Mansoura University
Horus University Prize in the field of positional sciences (basic - agricultural - medical - engineering)
Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Ghoneim - Professor at the Center for Nephrology and Urology - Mansoura University
Prof. Ashraf Tarek Hafez, Vice President of the University and all employees in the graduate studies sector, confirms that this upgrading to the honoring level of scientific research entails raising the university's classification, which will make Mansoura becomes a destination for all students
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